SEEBEST E630W white-black

Cleaning robot, Wi-Fi, APP, powerful brush system, wiper, water tank, remote control, flat, white.

Security and Home Automation / Robots / Cleaning robots

- It can be used on almost all floor types.
- With its double turbine engine and high suction power, it sucked up almost all dirt that could be moved.
- With its powerful brush system, it sweeps up and swallows almost all dust and crumbs.
- With its side brush, it also sweeps out of tight spaces and then vacuums up.
- With its smoothing rubber brush, it also picks up lint stuck to the carpet.
- With its wiper function, it also cleans wet surfaces.
- Its washable HEPA filter filters pollen, dust mites and bacteria from the air.
- Thanks to its built-in water tank, it is capable of both dry and wet cleaning.
- With its strong, ribbed rubber wheels, it moves, bends and turns firmly and surely.
- It covers the areas meticulously according to several route types, with perfect coverage.
- With its infrared sensors, it detects and avoids obstacles, cleans around objects and furniture.
- With its intelligent environment sensing, it automatically slows down and changes direction in the event of an obstacle.
- It detects differences in level with its lower terrain detection sensors and avoids falls.
- Its wheel suspension and shock absorber adapt to terrain conditions and slopes.
- It can operate continuously or with timed cleaning, based on preset times.
- It can also be started, controlled, programmed and given individual instructions with its remote control.
- High performance battery, long operating time, long service life.
- You don’t have to worry about charging the battery, it automatically recharges itself and gets back to work.
- Fire-, impact- and scratch-resistant plastic casing.
- Aesthetic, modern appearance, flat design.
- Wi-Fi and mobile phone application.
- Easy-to-clean dust container.
- Dust container capacity: 0.5L.
- Battery: 14.4VDC, Ni-MH, 2200mA lithium.
- 100-120 minutes of operation time with one charge, then automatic docking and charging.
- Battery charging time: 3-5 hours.
- Power: 24W.
- Power supply: 240VAC / 24VDC, 1A.
- Dimensions: 330mm x 300mm x 63mm (height, including wheel).
- Weight: 2000g.
- Color: white.
- CE certification.