Fireclass FC440AVB

Addressable isolator sound-light indicator socket, VAD certified.

Fire-alarm systems / Fire systems / Dsc

- VAD certified to EN54-23 in two ranges, normal power and high power.
- The high power option provides greater VAD sound pressure coverage compared to the standard power fidelity.
- Reflected sound monitoring (RSM).
- Reflected Light Monitoring (RLM).
- Shorter light pulse for faster response.
- Triple light source.
- One installation point for sensor, buzzer and visual display without extra cabling.
- Built-in isolator.
- The center’s configuration software can be used to select the volume, tone and flash rate.
- Independent addressable control is possible for the buzzer and indicator light.
- 15 selectable sound samples.
- Realistic traditional sound signal.
- 2 selectable volumes.
- 2 selectable flash speeds.
- Different sounds can be used during fire alarm and level change.
- VADs and sounders are synchronized on the loop.
- The socket has a fixing pin / screw.
- Provides an EN54-23 certified path for legacy systems.
- Coverage: C-3-8.
- The device is not compatible with FC510/FC520 control panels.